Sunday, November 30, 2014

NBC Nightline Interview with Officer Darren Wilson

 NBC Nightline Interview with Officer Darren Wilson

Live Blogging: The interview starts off with Darren Wilson, Ferguson police officer who shot Michael Brown several times and Brown was murdered as a result.

Here are his words from the interview with NBC interview George Stephanopoulos and our narrative:
It was a normal day of patrolling my area. He didn't know Michael Brown and Dorian Johnson as they passed him. He asked them to walk on the sidewalk.
He said he saw the cigarillos in Brown's hands and knew they were the ones from the ones announced from his  car radio.
He said Brown slammed the door shut and he said Brown stated "What the #^$^$ are you going to do about it."
He said Brown hit him in the face and they started fighting. He described Brown as Hulk hogan and he was a 5 year old child compared to him.
He draws the gun and says Brown tried to turn the gun on him and he wasn't going to let him shoot him with his own gun. He says he was afraid for his life.
He says the gun jammed twice when he tried to shoot. He says Brown was so angry and like a demon.
He said that Mike Brown did not raise his hands to surrender though witnesses say they saw his hands up and then he shot Brown.
Stephanopoulos questioned him about how far Brown was and why he needed to shoot. He says there was nothing he could have done that would have prevented Mike Brown's death.
It gives a brief statement about being sorry he killed Brown but he does have some remorse. He said he did his job and he did what he was trained to do.
 Who believes what he stated during the events leading up to Brown's death were truthful?


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